Keep the wolf from the door

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, three little rabbits lived in the forest. Peter, Rosemary and their baby, little Annie.

One morning, there was a terrible thunder, the trees waved the lighting flashed through the air. They were very afraid. The wind blew as never before. The huge oak tree where their little house was, broke and it fell to the ground destroying their house!

The rabbits fled for their lives. What now? Where will they sleep tonight, where will they get something to eat? What about all the wolves? Who will help them?

This is life. Peter, Rosemary and Annie experience what you and I do every day.

We live in complicated times. It is the most complex time in all history. As we live in the shadows of several revolutions. The Berlin Wall. The recession. The greatest of them all, the coming of the Internet. We passed the tipping point of energy supply, and the atmosphere is playing havoc with us the carbon levels build up. The gap between rich and poor widens by the day. Expect chaos!

“Annie, where are you”. Rosemary is so worried. She called again and again, yet no answer ... What now?

“Peter we must seek her!”

Each of us will face a crisis sometime. Each of faced a crisis in the past. An accident, a relationship breaking up, sickness or, death of a loved one. How to cope?

We as humans have the urge to react immediately, sadly more often than not going astray and messing it up further. “This is because of that!” and have it wrong most of the time.

The answer: A plan, respect for my body, others, the earth and action as the greatest sin is laziness!

 “The wolf caught her!” cries Rosemary.

“Calm down”, said Peter, “Let's hide, the hop fast to the next tree else the wolves will catch us. COME!”

When it happens, take a deep breath. Hasten Slowly. Count to twenty, breath again, walk around the block and let a day pass. Then pin it down. If we write, perspectives will stare us in the face. Mae West, “Keep a diary, one day it will keep you!”

What happened? What is the story?

Step 1: Note everything you have no control over. This is the point where we mostly mess up. Blaming. The wise Madiba said, “The day I stopped blaming, that day I started to grow”

Step 2: Find out, talk read and get perspective. Mix with not so nice types, avoid friends and family else you and they might, just like Hamelin’s mice, run over the cliff with you.

Step 3: What may happen. Note it down and test with people. Give probabilities of happening.

Step 4: What are all my options?

Step 5: Now and only now make a plan.

Peter and Rosemary ran from tree to tree ... then .. is it true? A faint voice, “helppp, helllp !” It was Annie!!

Step 6: Do it! Do not postpone, just do Quick fixes first. Link it, delegate. And the greatest is to Tippex it! The psychology of Tippex is immense. We are so happy when a task is ticked off.

They hopped on to each other, they laughed, they cried, they build a new house under an oak tree and lived happily ever after.

Ladies and Gents, if we stick to these principles, we have the luxury of every now and then surge forward in life!

(Acknowledgement: Getty Images, Costume Craze and Etsy)


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