“Broska, I am leaving you!”

“But Lela you can’t, I love you!”

“Listen here you ugly little twit, Ploru has lots of wives, great food, he is strong and powerful and you are small and useless!”

The love of his life left him, his arch enemy won … again! He sighs deep, always the last to eat the bits that remain, always the loser.


Broska sits alone on the hill looking at the setting sun with tears dripping in his long dirty beard. He stares at the rocks between his toes and then ... “I got it!”


The time went past, Broska now lives in the biggest cave, cool water dripping from the roof with twenty-five beauties serving him. He always eats first! How is it possible? Well, Broska invented a new tool and changed the world forever! Just two million years ago!

Be serious, we live in the most complex time ever in history and it is all Broska’s fault: the invention of new tools. First it was him and his handheld tools, then the steam engine, puff - puff and puff. On top of it, electricity and the light bulb. Then that great disruption in 1958.  The whole town standing in the middle of the night in the streets peering into the sky waiting for it, the first-ever, "bleep-bleep-bleep" across the universe, Sputnik!

The worst was also invented almost already decades ago, the Internet! Suddenly everybody thinks we do know everything with all our sorrows and pleasures dumped to the world …

The biggest challenge is to follow and that moment is now. The fourth revolution is upon us and sixty billion things are already connected throwing everything we took for granted out of the door. All connected and they know every move we make. Cars will even drive themselves, a giant relief with drunken driving finally stopped!

Be afraid as fifty percent of all jobs will disappear in the next few years as machines take over ... be very enthusiastic as there will be opportunities as never before for the selected few.

Are you willing to be the Broska of our time?

To enter the new world each of us needs to change, change only happens when we get a hit. Broska had to think differently when Lela left him. What is your Lela? And that threatening Ploru?

To excel we need to do six critical things that machines cannot do;

  • Can work with people,
  • Show empathy and be a shoulder to cry on,
  • We must be able to communicate verbally and on "paper". Learn that the worst words to use are "I" and "me".
  • Learn to shut up and listen,
  • Tell stories in a compelling way. Again avoid the terrible, "I" and "me"
  • We need to think differently like Broska and come up with a new rock between our toes.

To think out of the box, rule number one: there must be a box! We are not as good as what we have, we are as good as how we are restricted.

The greatest music was ever written and the capturing of sound by the gramophone were both created by deaf people! Beethoven and Edison.

The big mouths love to impress us with, "we will disrupt industry!" or "break all rules!". Nonsense! We change the world by being on the edge of the parade by being surprisingly different without abandoning the known zones of society.

Follow a process and ask, "Why am I doing it?" Read, read and read to find out. Mix with others different from yourself. Be alone, draw, sing and play the answer!

Give every idea a chance. Defer judgment, as Dale Carnegie who said, “Any fool can judge and criticize and most fools do!”

Above all, be still, every day of our lives for fifteen minutes, no phone, and no people, no nothing just still. Wonders will happen!

Grab life to its fullest for the rest of your life, embrace diversity and be still, be still and above all be still …

"Now what happened to Ploru?" you might ask? Dumb question! What was left of him was fed to the hyenas!


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