
Showing posts from March, 2021

Tussen Treine, tussen Stasies ...

  Tussen Treine, tussen Stasies ...                   © VDS Brink “Elke keer was dit ʼn afskeid, elke keer weer ʼn begin, ʼn honderd haltes langs die spoor, elke stasie het sy eie skim.”   Die sekelmaan hang stil in die weste, die blare van die bloekoms hang stil. “Jy kan maar blaas ou Pieter, die groen vlag waai al!” sê Koos. Pieter trek die ketting in die dak en die skril fluit weergalm oor Hutchinson stasie. Koos trek die hefboom en die 25C begin stadig vorentoe kruip, die Trans Karoo agter hom met die slapende passasiers. Voor op die rook deflektors staan met trots en blink ge-Brasso, “ Annemarie ” Gou-gou wys die spoedmeter vyftig myl per uur. “Nog vyf om te gaan dan is ons daar!” sê Koos. “Pieter gee nog so bietjie gas jong, ek maak vir ons koffie!” Pieter neem die graaf en skep diep en gooi vêr in die vuurkas. Die ag reuse wiele klip-klap op die laste. Koos kyk uit na sterrehemel soos jy net in die Roggeveld sal si...

Die Redder

Opgedra aan Pasha, Kasper, Sebastiaan, Liefka en Stella wat ons lewens altyd verhelder . Djoser gee ʼn diep sug, “Ai dierbare Juba, wat gaan van ons word?” “U Majesteit, ek is net so bekommerd, dis duidelik dat die sewe vet jare verby is en hoe gaan die volk oorleef?” Djoser streel oor Juba se rug en sy lang stert, Juba begin saggies spin. “U Majesteit, hulle gaan inkom en alles verwoes en opvreet en niks kan hulle keer nie!” “Ek weet Juba. Maar ek wil hê dat jy moet lank dink hieroor. Jy verstaan diere soveel beter as ek."   Juba kom stert orent by die troonsaal in. “U Majesteit, ek dink ek het dit!” Djoser kyk op, “Vertel my asseblief want ek weet nie meer nie. Ons kos gaan te gou opraak in die sewe maer jare en daardie aaklige Kanaaniete gaan oor die see kom en ons mense doodmaak.” “U Majesteit, daar is ʼn dier wat familie van my is. Ons mag dalk die vinnigste dier op aarde wees, maar hulle is baie kleiner, ratser en dis net wat ons nodig het om die vyand te keer vo...

Katunka learns to fly


A Bundle of Skills: The Core Competency

He is a good artist, yet not good enough to ever sell a painting, he can crack jokes and are the heart of any party, yet will never make a cent as a stand-up comedian, he did an MBA, yet scores of other people did it as well. His is Scott Adams, and he is the only funny person that has a business qualification and that can paint. He is doing well as he draws funny stuff that relates to business. He gives us Dilbert. Scott Adams found that bundle of skills in his life when he combined his competencies in a unique way. The story started 500 years ago … when the Spaniards discovered what they thought was India and promptly called the locals “Indians”. These Indians did great things. They built huge cities, six lane highways across the Andes, mastered civil engineering, art and science. In the city of Lima are several pyramids build by the Incas a thousand years ago. Yet ... they never read or write and their highways had steps as the wheel was not invented. No need for wheels as Lamas and...

Get them to listen!

  Talking to others, making our point and pitch our idea are key to success on our road in life. Much is said and done about the content of our presentations, little about the way how to do it. How to do it is much more important than the words we use! Mark Twain said, “All suffers from stage fright, those that do not are liars." It is one of the top fears in life to stand in front of an audience. Some keys to overcome and be a great success: Ask who the audience is. Talk about their needs and how we can solve it. We all need safety, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization, we are curious, neatness, sympathy, spirituality, achievement, revenge, adventure and danger, fear and resolve, humor and play. Give some of it! The first and last sentences will make or break. Start with a surprise, a story works the best by far. Self-effacing humor or an open question. End by leaving them wondering and yearning for more. Drop an unexpected twist in the tail! Use your voice. Talk loader and...

Open your ears make your mark!

  “This is it! My birthday gift to you, a new car!” She smiled, laughed and started planning, a whole week to look, see, feel en test drive to make the big decision. What is smelling better than a rose? The inside of a brand new car!  We walked into the first dealer, “What is your price limit?” “$25 000.” He gave a deep sigh and rolled his eyes, fumbled amongst his papers dragging out a glossy magazine. Then bent over the table with his pen on the technical detail reciting it from horsepower to fuel consumption. At last reluctantly asked, “Shall we go on a test drive?” So it went on and on from Mitsubishi to Mercedes, Tata to Toyota and Hyundai to Honda. All exactly the same story. Then we landed at John, “What work do you do?” “I am a doctor’s receptionist.” “Really, what a job! Tell me more, do you enjoy it?” “I love it!” she replied. The two chatted and laughed for another half an hour helping each other with domestic challenges. All while totally ignoring the guy with the ...


  “Broska, I am leaving you!” “But Lela you can’t, I love you!” “Listen here you ugly little twit, Ploru has lots of wives, great food, he is strong and powerful and you are small and useless!” The love of his life left him, his arch enemy won … again! He sighs deep, always the last to eat the bits that remain, always the loser. **** Broska sits alone on the hill looking at the setting sun with tears dripping in his long dirty beard. He stares at the rocks between his toes and then ... “I got it!” *** The time went past, Broska now lives in the biggest cave, cool water dripping from the roof with twenty-five beauties serving him. He always eats first! How is it possible? Well, Broska invented a new tool and changed the world forever! Just two million years ago! Be serious, we live in the most complex time ever in history and it is all Broska’s fault: the invention of new tools. First it was him and his handheld tools, then the steam engine, puff - puff and puff...

Lessons from chess for our business

  "What is going on here!" he screams while shuffling in all directions one step at a time, overweight and a pain in the neck. The two knights bow, "Your Majesty, those guys in black on the other side of the river are out to get us!" "Well, do something about it and quickly!" he barks and settles back into the throne with his double distilled gin. She peers through the curtain and listens to it all, Her Majesty and our beloved queen. As a beautiful bottle blond and some forty years the king's junior, Lara was a ballerina when she caught the King's eye. Her predecessor then mysteriously fell off the wagon when it crossed the river and was washed downstream and never heard of again. Now Lara is stuck with the old twit ... Lara can move quickly and in all directions. She is the star and the whole kingdom loves her. "Let me ask The Right Reverends, they will know." she thinks and wanders over to the cathedral, knocks on the door and there the...

Keep the wolf from the door

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, three little rabbits lived in the forest. Peter, Rosemary and their baby, little Annie. One morning, there was a terrible thunder, the trees waved the lighting flashed through the air. They were very afraid. The wind blew as never before. The huge oak tree where their little house was, broke and it fell to the ground destroying their house! The rabbits fled for their lives. What now? Where will they sleep tonight, where will they get something to eat? What about all the wolves? Who will help them? This is life. Peter, Rosemary and Annie experience what you and I do every day. We live in complicated times. It is the most complex time in all history. As we live in the shadows of several revolutions. The Berlin Wall. The recession. The greatest of them all, the coming of the Internet. We passed the tipping point of energy supply, and the atmosphere is playing havoc with us the carbon levels build up. The gap between rich and poor widens by t...